Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Come play in My SandBox

Want something fun for your family and friends to do at your house. Or, do you have a business where clients are sitting and waiting for a few minutes,  build a Zen Garden, just use a small flat tray with some type of artificial sand , in it place shells and stones from the beach, or anything that you can find.  I slipped in an old penny, and a few pieces of shiny custom jewelery for mystery digging.  Quote: The philosophy of Zen Gardens is to bring health to people, to harmonize our life, and to return balance in nature. In addition, our philosophy strives to perpetuate the co-existence of human beings and creatures as part of the universe.

The kids in the house love to play in it, as different people come and go in the house you will find different patterns and people's collections in the sand with the stones piled into unique settings.First thing you have to do is set the rules for the kids, NO HAND in the sand or it will be all over the floor. 

1 comment:

  1. I love those! Something else besides wool I can play with at your house! Haha
