I started my Skeleflora Hooked Purse today, this is the first time I have used cotton rug warp until now I have always used Burlap either Primitive or Scottish, it's a nice product very soft and flexible.
Secondly I have not used wool yarn before but I figure because the Skeleflora pattern uses yard what the hell I'll try it. It's not a bad product either I enjoy the ability to just keep hooking and only cut the yarn as needed with wool stripes the flow is not the same.
On the yummy side of my day I had some homemade Spelt Bread with peanut butter for breakfast thanks to Mommy for baking some bread on the weekend, we received the recipe from my Aunt I talked about in a previous blog posting. Did I mention that I'm an only children and love to be spoiled rotten still.

Bija Tea was also on the menu today, I'm hoping the slimming powers of this Tea payoff