Copied from an email of Lynne O'Brien Lines ( easier than trying to explain myself) These are members of the Highland Hookers, RHD Group.
Dianne and I felt so honored to be a part of the unveiling ceremony in Parrsboro on Friday, Feb. 19th. It was very well done. There were manylocal dignataries there as well as The Honorabe Ross Landry, Nova Scotia Attorney General and Minister of Justice. Many of you may remember the song Lydia Quinn and Francis Smith played when they presented the idea to us last year. Well, that song was sung by Audra Raulyns, herself a victim ofspousal abuse. There was not a dry eye in the place. What a voice!!!!!! I was able to get a picture of some of the members of the committee for the Cumberland Chapter . In the picture you see Francis Smith, Judi Giroux,Lydia Quinn, Dianne and myself. They were very, very pleased with the mat. Our mat was to go with the Remember Me silhouette. A lady from Parrsboro (Debbie Beil) hooked a mat that will be under the silhouette of Bernice Mills who was shot by her husband in 1997.